Life often seems full of random events—unexpected detours, frustrating delays, and surprising encounters. But when we look at Scripture, we see that God sovereignly orchestrates every step to fulfill His divine purposes. 1 Samuel 9 offers a profound illustration of this truth as Saul, an ordinary young man searching for lost donkeys, is unknowingly led by God toward his anointing as Israel’s first king. In the same way, Jesus, the Sovereign One, directs our steps toward salvation, revealing the fulfillment of Proverbs 16:9:
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
This chapter in Israel’s history foreshadows how Jesus—our true King—not only calls us but sovereignly leads us into His perfect plan of redemption.
1. Saul’s Journey: A Picture of Divine Direction
In 1 Samuel 9, we are introduced to Saul, a young man from the tribe of Benjamin, who is described as tall and handsome, outwardly fitting the image of a king. However, he is unaware that God has chosen him to lead Israel. Instead, Saul is on a seemingly mundane mission—to find his father’s lost donkeys.
What appears to be a simple errand turns into a divine appointment. Every step of Saul’s journey is directed by God:
- The Donkeys Wander Off (v. 3-4) – What seems like a frustrating inconvenience is actually God setting Saul on a path to meet the prophet Samuel.
- The Servant’s Suggestion (v. 6-10) – When Saul is ready to give up, his servant suggests visiting the man of God (Samuel). This small advice redirects Saul toward God’s plan.
- The Divine Encounter (v. 15-17) – Before Saul even arrives, God tells Samuel about him. Samuel is prepared to anoint Saul as king because God had already spoken about his coming.
Just as God directed Saul’s steps, Jesus sovereignly guides us even when we are unaware of His hand at work. What we see as coincidences, delays, or even disappointments may actually be divine redirections toward our calling in Christ.
2. Jesus, the Greater King Who Leads Us to Salvation
While Saul was chosen as Israel’s first king, his reign was temporary and flawed. Jesus, however, is the perfect and eternal King who leads His people into salvation.
A. Jesus Seeks the Lost
Saul was searching for lost donkeys, but Jesus came to seek and save lost sinners (Luke 19:10). While Saul had no idea his journey was divinely orchestrated, Jesus intentionally pursued His mission of salvation for humanity.
B. Jesus Prepares the Way for Our Redemption
Just as Saul’s meeting with Samuel was arranged before he even arrived, Jesus’ coming into the world was planned from eternity past. God directed history to bring Jesus at the appointed time to accomplish salvation (Galatians 4:4-5).
C. Jesus, the True King Who Reigns Forever
Unlike Saul, whose reign was temporary and imperfect, Jesus is the eternal King whose kingdom will never end (Luke 1:32-33). While Israel’s first king failed, Jesus reigns in righteousness and truth, offering eternal life to all who trust in Him.
The same God who orchestrated Saul’s steps is leading you toward a greater purpose. Even when we don’t see the bigger picture, we can trust that Jesus, our sovereign King, is directing our steps toward Him.
3. Trusting God’s Sovereignty in Our Own Lives
A. God Uses Ordinary Events for Extraordinary Purposes
Saul thought he was just looking for donkeys, but God was guiding him toward kingship. Similarly, Jesus uses the ordinary moments in our lives—our jobs, relationships, and even setbacks—to draw us closer to Him.
B. God Places People in Our Lives for a Reason
Saul’s servant played a key role in directing him toward Samuel. In the same way, God often uses people—mentors, pastors, friends—to point us to Jesus.
C. God’s Plan is Greater Than Our Plans
Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that we may plan our way, but it is the Lord who ultimately directs our steps. Saul had no idea he would be king, yet God had already planned it. Similarly, Jesus has prepared a path for our lives, and we must trust His perfect leadership.
Conclusion: Jesus, the Sovereign One Who Directs Us
1 Samuel 9 is more than just a story about Saul’s calling—it’s a picture of God’s divine orchestration in our lives. Jesus, our Sovereign King, is constantly directing us, even when we don’t recognize His hand at work. Whether through detours, delays, or unexpected encounters, He is guiding us toward salvation and His perfect plan.
Are you trusting Jesus to direct your steps? Even when the path seems uncertain, remember that He is leading you toward something greater. Surrender to His sovereignty and walk confidently, knowing that He is the One who orders your path.
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9