In 1 Samuel 28, we witness one of the most chilling and tragic moments in Israel’s history—King Saul’s desperate attempt to seek guidance from the dead through a medium. This passage starkly contrasts the biblical truth that Jesus Christ is the only true Mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5). Saul’s story is a powerful warning against seeking illegitimate spiritual guidance and a compelling reminder of the sufficiency of Christ as our High Priest, Intercessor, and Mediator before God.
I. The Tragic Fall of King Saul
Saul, once anointed by God as king, had spent years in rebellion. His disobedience cost him the Lord’s favor, and by the time of 1 Samuel 28, he was a desperate man. The Philistines were preparing for war against Israel, and Saul, gripped with fear, sought guidance. But the Lord did not answer him—neither through dreams, nor Urim, nor prophets (1 Samuel 28:6).
This silence was not because God had abandoned Saul arbitrarily. Rather, it was the consequence of Saul’s persistent rejection of God’s commands. He had repeatedly chosen his own way over God’s, and now, when he finally sought divine direction, he found himself in complete spiritual isolation.
II. Saul Turns to the Wrong Mediator
Instead of repenting and seeking God with a humble heart, Saul made the fatal decision to consult a medium at Endor (1 Samuel 28:7). This was a direct violation of God’s law, which strictly forbade necromancy and all forms of occult practices (Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Ironically, Saul himself had previously banned such practices from the land, yet now he was seeking the very thing he had outlawed.
This act revealed the depth of Saul’s desperation and spiritual blindness. Instead of trusting in God’s sovereignty, he turned to a forbidden source for answers. The supposed appearance of Samuel (1 Samuel 28:11-19) only brought further condemnation, confirming that Saul’s fate was sealed—he and his sons would die the next day.
This tragic event highlights a fundamental truth: There is only one Mediator between God and man—Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5). When we seek guidance outside of Him, we step into deception and darkness.
III. Jesus: The True and Only Mediator
1. Jesus Intercedes on Our Behalf
Unlike Saul, who was cut off from God due to sin, believers have an Advocate in Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can mediate between sinful humanity and a holy God. As our Great High Priest, Jesus continuously intercedes for us before the Father (Hebrews 7:25):
“Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.”
Through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, we no longer need to seek guidance through illegitimate means. We have direct access to God through Him (Hebrews 4:14-16).
2. Jesus is the Living Word
Saul sought a word from the dead, but believers have the Living Word in Jesus (John 1:1-4). The Bible is sufficient for all spiritual guidance (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and Christ Himself speaks to us through His Spirit (John 16:13).
3. Jesus Offers True Peace, Not Fear
Saul was terrified, but those who trust in Jesus experience peace:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Unlike Saul, who faced judgment and doom, believers who trust in Christ receive grace, mercy, and eternal life.
IV. The Dangers of Seeking the Wrong Sources
Saul’s mistake is still relevant today. Many seek answers from psychics, astrology, spirit guides, or false religions. However, God warns against seeking guidance apart from Him:
“When they say to you, ‘Consult the mediums and spiritists who whisper and mutter,’ shouldn’t a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?” (Isaiah 8:19)
Seeking answers outside of Christ leads to spiritual destruction. He alone is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
V. Application: How Do We Seek Jesus as Our Mediator?
- Repent and Surrender – Saul’s downfall was his unwillingness to truly repent. When we sin, we must confess and turn back to Christ (1 John 1:9).
- Pray in Jesus’ Name – We have direct access to God through Christ (John 16:24).
- Seek God’s Word – The Bible is our ultimate source of truth (Psalm 119:105).
- Trust in Jesus Alone – Reject all forms of occultism and false spirituality.
VI. Conclusion: Christ is Sufficient
Saul’s tragic fate serves as a stark warning: there is no substitute for Jesus Christ. He alone bridges the gap between God and man, and through Him, we have eternal security. Let us trust in the One who intercedes for us, speaks through His Word, and leads us in truth.
“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 2:5)